Saturday, May 28, 2011


So, yesterday was graduation for our seniors. The ceremony was bittersweet as this is a group of seniors with whom I have felt a particularly strong bond. The valedictorian made a beautiful speech and singled out who she considered to be the three faculty members who had had an especially meaningful relationship with her class during these past four years. As I heard my name mentioned among those three, I couldn't help but get a little emotional. At this juncture in my life, and given what I am currently facing, it really did mean a LOT..more than she probably knows and I am truly grateful.

In other news, I haven't driven since first being admitted to the ER on that fateful night back on March 26th. As a single adult, it's been more than a little trying to be reliant on people for the most basic of needs. My friends and colleagues have been fantastically supportive but all the same it has been difficult. I even remarked to my neurosurgeon's nurse as I submitted DMV paperwork that in some way the loss of driving privileges has been more traumatic than the cancer diagnosis. At least I can actively fight the cancer. Anyway, I called my neurosurgeon's secretary yesterday, and he said that she had submitted the paperwork along with a letter stating that in her opinion, ther should be no restrictions on my driving. I am VERY hopeful that DMV will listen to her and that the whole driving thing will resolve itself shortly...

Finally, thanks to those of you who have taken the time to comment/email me. Its so comforting to find other patients/caregivers out ther experiencing similar things. that vein, I finally have a schedule worked out for zofran dosing that has enabled me to get rid of the nausea for the time being...yippee!

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