Tuesday, September 11, 2012

So much to do now . . .

Another 9:50pm post (in other words, still thinking of things late at night).  This time with good reason, however.  I'm working on the actual Relay for Life committee this year and we had our first meeting for comittee chairs last night.  I'm actually really excited to be in on the whole process from the beginning, albeit a little daunted by the proposed $30K in corporate sponsorship that I'm supposed to come up with between now and April.  For those out there reading my blog who are making this same journey either as a patient or as a caregiver, I URGE you to reach out to others through volunteer work.  In our small community, there are no brain-cancer specific events, I wish there were.  For that reason, I chose to work with American Cancer Society and have found that meeting other survivors and caregivers really has helped keep me in check and focus on things beyond my own illness.  It is a truly rewarding experience made all the more sweet by the money our small community has been raising for ACS.  Almost all communities have a Relay for Life....you can call American Cancer Society to find one near you....:-)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Back to "normal" for now

Well, thank you all for the prayers and positive energy that's been sent my way...my MRI showed a slight decrease in one side and stability elsewhere...my oncologist said that he saw scar tissue and no evidence of any active tumor in the residual mass area on the scan.  Also, those of you who've had post treatment MRIs know that hopefully they begin to show black areas of air/fluid in regions previously occupied by mass...another great sign that things are moving in the right direction.  I feel so blessed.  When comparing the post op MRI from last year with this one, for the first time I was able to see a golf ball sized space--the resection cavity--from which my neurosurgeon removed as much as possible (75-80%) last April...up until this point there has been inflammation and necrotic tumor tissue in that area....please continue to get in touch if you or a loved one are facing a similar situation...it is so helpful to talk to others making this same journey...also nice to know people are reading.

In hope,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The waiting game

So...here we are again.  Four months since my last MRI and today I had a scan.  I'm in that nether worldly state between having the scan and finding out if it is good news or bad news.  I've been feeling well and have now fully weaned off of my dilantin.  I've even become accustomed to a life where scans are a regular part of my life.  Its the 12 or so hours (thankfully no longer usually) between the scan and the results that still make me really nervous.  I've gotten used to almost all aspects of this thing but sometimes the waiting game still makes me nervous.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

An update

I start by apologizing for the length of time between posts...it's been busy this end these past few months. I had another great MRI in May which was another milestone on the road. In April, I captained a Relay for Life team that was the highest fundraising team at our event which was GREAT....and ACS asked me to be the keynote speaker at the survivor banquet, the week prior to the event. A new school year just started and about three weeks ago, at my neuro appointment, the doctor asked how I'd feel if we tried to take me off of the anti-seizure med, Dilantin. I have to say, it's been a little tougher than I imagined to ween off of it, but in about ten days, I will be off of all daily meds...that just leaves fiorecet for headaches and Ativan for any anxiety-type problems. My next scan is sept 5th....fingers crossed and positive thoughts out there please if anyone is still reading. Thanks for your support and patience thus far....some of you that have contacted me directly have been great supporters and have helped me though some tough times...I will post again soon. Take care, everyone.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Time to Celebrate

Wow...what a week I've had.  Tuesday evening I had my Relay for Life Team Captain meeting at 7pm.  We're doing so well as a team and I'd like to thank those of you who have already donated. (Those who haven't may still do so by clicking on the icon at the bottom of this post.  Thanks SO much!).  Wednesday evening, I spent in an MRI tube (well about 45 minutes of it, at least).  But naturally, with this being my 3-monthly check up, the nerves and anxiety ahead of the test and then the test itself were beginning to get unbearable.  Then this morning I had my oncology follow-up.  GREAT news!  The residual tumor/ill mass is still shrinking.  In fact, this time it showed the most impressive shrinkage yet.  Previous MRIs had shown 0.3cm decreases and such.  Yesterday's showed 1.5cm decrease on way and 0.3cm decrease the other...and within the residual ill area there are pockets of fluid.  I'm SO grateful to all of you who have prayed for me or sent positive thoughts my way.  I feel like for a few weeks, I'm going to be able to lay down the luggage that goes with this journey and just take in the view.  Tonight--I celebrate.  Thanks, guys!


Saturday, February 4, 2012

My way of giving something back. . .

Over the past 10 months, so many people have been kind to me.  My family, of course, has been my rock throughout this entire experience and there is no way to repay the debt of gratitude that I owe them.  My colleagues and friends have also been extremely supportive throughout.  I told my mom, about 3 months after diagnosis, that after finishing initial treatment, I wanted to do something to give back and "pay it forward."  I've been thinking for the past few months what would be the ideal way for me to do this.  And, as if by fate, somebody mentioned the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life.  After doing some research, I decided that this was absolutely a cause that would allow me to give back.  As a HS teacher, I was also in a unique position to form a team and rally my students/colleagues and excite them about the prospect of doing something like this.  We're unifying as a school to do our part to raise money for American Cancer Society's Relay for Life.  Many friends (both here in town and those I have met along the way) have been very generous to our team and to me and it is with this in mind, that I just want to take a second to say "THANK YOU".  Thank you to those who are allowing me to pay it forward in my own small way, thank you to those who have been touched by cancer and feel the same need to push for a cure, thank you to those who have stood up in whatever way they can and said "ENOUGH!".  With everyone's support we WILL defeat this bastard of an illness.  We've seen too many people fight so valiently and still lose their fight.  It's 2012!  It's time we push both politically and fiscally to provide those researchers on the front line all of the resources that they need to find a cure.  We will do this one dollar at a time, one voice at a time. 

Any of those out there who would like to support my efforts, please click on the icon below and make a donation.  My name is Michael Norman  and I'm grateful to stand up and be counted as one more person living with cancer who won't go down without a fight.

(Thanks for letting me rant a little this time) :-) I wish you all health.  Here's to more birthdays for everyone!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

To post or not to post?

Hello again!  So, I know my entire idea in creating this blog in the first place was to document my journey through the madening, terrifying world that cancer can be.  I also realize that recently, I have been posting less and less frequently.  I do want to apologize for this but I think I now understand why this is happening.  As I get further and further out from diagnosis, I'm obviously less stressed about the diagnosis.  Also, I've been VERY blessed to have had 3 MRIs showing slight improvement in the last 9 months.  I'm now re-learning how to live each day as a cancer survivor.  I don't use that term lightly.  Survivor doesn't mean that the fight is over and I have "won".  It merely means that I continue to live and to fight.  With each week and each month, as I go forward, I am actually finding where there are days at a time where I don't consciously even think about cancer anymore.  I have, to the extent possible, "taken back" the power for my own life.   In a way to wouldn't make sense to most that haven't seen cancer up close, cancer is the thing that actually has empowered me to live my life and for that, I am grateful.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Alive n' Kickin! and getting ready for the relay...

It's been a good long while since I've posted here but I'm very very happy to report that my MRI last november showed slight improvement and that for the moment I continue with no therapies and just 3-monthly MRIs. I'm on Dilantin still and also have meds for anxiety as needed.

Now, let me fill you in on something I've been really trying to make happen this year. I'd REALLY like to have an amazing Relay for Life team this year and as a teacher, I have the opportunity to have a large team. That said, however, I want to raise as much money as possible to beat this horrible illness and think you might be able to help me. If you would visit this Relay for Life website and click either on donate to participant (Michael Norman--I'm our captain) or donate to Team (O'Neal Falcons)  we'd be thrilled!

Thanks for all of your support along the way and now I want you to help me pay it forward!