Thursday, January 26, 2012

Alive n' Kickin! and getting ready for the relay...

It's been a good long while since I've posted here but I'm very very happy to report that my MRI last november showed slight improvement and that for the moment I continue with no therapies and just 3-monthly MRIs. I'm on Dilantin still and also have meds for anxiety as needed.

Now, let me fill you in on something I've been really trying to make happen this year. I'd REALLY like to have an amazing Relay for Life team this year and as a teacher, I have the opportunity to have a large team. That said, however, I want to raise as much money as possible to beat this horrible illness and think you might be able to help me. If you would visit this Relay for Life website and click either on donate to participant (Michael Norman--I'm our captain) or donate to Team (O'Neal Falcons)  we'd be thrilled!

Thanks for all of your support along the way and now I want you to help me pay it forward!


  1. Michael,
    Glad you finally posted again. I was beginning to worry. You don't know me, but I came across your blog sometime last year looking for information on Temodar/brain cancer, etc. My husband (he is 52) has AA grade 3. He had surgery in March 2011, radiation and chemo\(Temodar) for 6 weeks. He continues to take Temodar monthly for 5 days each month. You seem to be doing great! He has short term memory issues and had to stop working for that reason. Also, he can't drive because of the treatment and memory. Are you going to contine with Temodar? Please continue to post, it helps to get information from someone actually going down this road. Hope you continue to do well.

  2. Thank you so much! It is so very helpful to be in touch with others on the same journey, as you say. I really appreciate your concern and really extend my best wishes for your husband. Where in the world are you guys located? I'm in NC, USA. I did the 7 week radio/temodar initially and then we've just been taking a "wait-and-see" approach. I'm so fortunate that my last 3 MRIs have been shown "slight improvement" each from the preceeding and feel and am "well". I suppose it's all about making a decision to LIVE with this illness.

    At some point, I'm told I will either continue with Temodar 5/23 cycles and perhaps even include Avastin...but for now, I'm happy to not have to undergo further treaments for the time being.

    I've also found any type of outreach that I do, in turn makes me feel better. That's why I initially started this blog, contribute to online forums about cancern in general and have organized my school's first "Relay for Life" team this year...

    My best to you and your husband. People often overlook caregivers and family members' pains/worries..stay strong for each other.
