Thursday, February 16, 2012

Time to Celebrate

Wow...what a week I've had.  Tuesday evening I had my Relay for Life Team Captain meeting at 7pm.  We're doing so well as a team and I'd like to thank those of you who have already donated. (Those who haven't may still do so by clicking on the icon at the bottom of this post.  Thanks SO much!).  Wednesday evening, I spent in an MRI tube (well about 45 minutes of it, at least).  But naturally, with this being my 3-monthly check up, the nerves and anxiety ahead of the test and then the test itself were beginning to get unbearable.  Then this morning I had my oncology follow-up.  GREAT news!  The residual tumor/ill mass is still shrinking.  In fact, this time it showed the most impressive shrinkage yet.  Previous MRIs had shown 0.3cm decreases and such.  Yesterday's showed 1.5cm decrease on way and 0.3cm decrease the other...and within the residual ill area there are pockets of fluid.  I'm SO grateful to all of you who have prayed for me or sent positive thoughts my way.  I feel like for a few weeks, I'm going to be able to lay down the luggage that goes with this journey and just take in the view.  Tonight--I celebrate.  Thanks, guys!


Saturday, February 4, 2012

My way of giving something back. . .

Over the past 10 months, so many people have been kind to me.  My family, of course, has been my rock throughout this entire experience and there is no way to repay the debt of gratitude that I owe them.  My colleagues and friends have also been extremely supportive throughout.  I told my mom, about 3 months after diagnosis, that after finishing initial treatment, I wanted to do something to give back and "pay it forward."  I've been thinking for the past few months what would be the ideal way for me to do this.  And, as if by fate, somebody mentioned the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life.  After doing some research, I decided that this was absolutely a cause that would allow me to give back.  As a HS teacher, I was also in a unique position to form a team and rally my students/colleagues and excite them about the prospect of doing something like this.  We're unifying as a school to do our part to raise money for American Cancer Society's Relay for Life.  Many friends (both here in town and those I have met along the way) have been very generous to our team and to me and it is with this in mind, that I just want to take a second to say "THANK YOU".  Thank you to those who are allowing me to pay it forward in my own small way, thank you to those who have been touched by cancer and feel the same need to push for a cure, thank you to those who have stood up in whatever way they can and said "ENOUGH!".  With everyone's support we WILL defeat this bastard of an illness.  We've seen too many people fight so valiently and still lose their fight.  It's 2012!  It's time we push both politically and fiscally to provide those researchers on the front line all of the resources that they need to find a cure.  We will do this one dollar at a time, one voice at a time. 

Any of those out there who would like to support my efforts, please click on the icon below and make a donation.  My name is Michael Norman  and I'm grateful to stand up and be counted as one more person living with cancer who won't go down without a fight.

(Thanks for letting me rant a little this time) :-) I wish you all health.  Here's to more birthdays for everyone!