Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Almost at the top...

Tomorrow is the half-way point for this seven week period of chemotherapy and radiation and let's just say I am very relieved and excited. From tomorrow onwards, no matter how tough things may get, I will know that I've got less and less time to go each day. Another exciting bit of news that I was reminded of today: Radiation Oncology is closed for Memorial Day! Don't get me wrong, these people are very very friendly and efficient...but three whole days with no radiation being hurled at my brain...sounds like a heaven at this point. My final half of temodar (for now, hopefully) arrived yesterday and tonight marks the beginning of those. I also had a friend take me to the drug store to pick up refills of my Dilantin (anti-seizure) and Valium (for use when having an MRI or spending long periods of time in "the mask." The techs at radiation today also scheduled a CT scan for Thursday to begin planning the boost phase of radiation. In other news, today was the hottest day of the year so far and as I've mentioned before, chemo/radiation and heat are definitely the recipe for nausea.

One last thing...if anyone out there is reading this blog, please feel free to add comments, share your experiences, or even to "follow" it. Thanks!!


  1. Just came across your blog, thought I'd let you know there are people out here. My mother was diagnosed with AA3 at the young age of 57. She's 19mths into the journey and doing pretty well. Praying you do as well if not better!

  2. Hi Michael I'm not sure if you received my previous comment, but I wanted to mention how I also had horrible nausea while on temodar. I have a grade three oligoastrocytoma, took temodar/radiation for six weeks and then took temodar one week every month for a year and a half after that initial six weeks. If your oncologist is planning a similar schedule for you you might want to ask about sancusso patches. Zolfran didn't work well for me but the sancusso patch worked great. It's a patch that goes on your arm one day before starting chemo and lasts about five days. I hope and pray you feel better soon!
