Friday, August 12, 2011

A rest stop along the way. . .

1) The DMV sent me a letter back in May requesting that I send in a medical questionnaire.  My neurosurgeon submitted said questionnaire stating that in her professional opinion, despite having had a seizure, I was now medically "fit and safe for driving."  Despite her recommendation, the doctors on the review panel saw fit to deny my request and sent me a response giving me 15 days to submit all licenses in my possession or request a hearing.  I requested said hearing back in early June and JUST had it this past Monday.  SUCCESS!!!  Having the chance to actually explain my case and submit letters from both my medical and radiation oncologist in addition to my neurosurgeon's original letters as well as answering questions about what actually happened the night I had the seizure worked.  I had a lawyer (one of my student's fathers who took this on pro bono thankfully) also helped.  I am now "allowed to continue driving using my current license" and will just have to resubmit forms each six months stating that I am still seizure free.
2)  Tuesday was my follow-up MRI and Wednesday morning had a follow up with my oncologist.  This was the first follow-up since completing radiation and chemotherapy.  To say that I was a little anxious before hand (during the past 8 weeks) would be an understatement.  I was terrified of having another seizure and also of these results showing further growth or additional tumors within my brain.  All of the anxiety is understandable but in this instance, thankfully unfounded.  The MRI showed 'slight improvement' and we were just hoping to see "no change."  So to say that all of us were VERY happy would also be an understatement.  I have no oncology follow ups now till October and another MRI in November.  FINALLY...a nice and very welcome rest on the winding road that is my new normal.  :-)

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